Welcome to Study Marry Kill!* I, Alexis Coe—presidential historian, New York Times bestselling author, and senior fellow at New America, a bi-partisan think tank—take a delightful detour from the staid, incredibly long corridors of history.
In this newsletter, I take a more personal, and certainly faster, approach to presidential history. Think of this newsletter as my salon for the strange, a secret alcove where I unleash quirky thoughts, rant with abandon, tease my latest projects, and occasionally drop mini-biographies. Each issue leads with my latest and upcoming event/appearance.
I started this newsletter during the pandemic, thanks to a generous nudge and nod from Substack, and this brain banquet most often costs zero Washingtons—though certain delectable morsels remain exclusive to paid subscribers.
Adore my work but loathe Substack? Toss a coin to your historian via Venmo with "SMK" and your email, and consider yourself subscribed.
*No dead people will be harmed in the making of this newsletter.